Mom Approved Toys that Promote Crawling – Crawling Tips!
I have first hand experience in toys that promote crawling. I used toys to help baby learn to crawl when my little girl was 7/8 months old. These tips when using various toys will hopefully help your little one get creeping sooner rather than later.
I will give a detailed account of what worked for her and what did not. Of course it is important to remember that not all babies are the same. I used a variety of different toys and some encouragement from my husband and I to get our little girl moving!
I think using a variety of toys to help baby crawl is better than just sticking to one. Amelia reacted differently to each toy and I do believe they all helped her.
In my experience toys help babies crawl for sure! Without stimulation from them I think my little girl would never have crept and might have bum shuffled.
There are so many to choose from but the ones below represent some of the best toys to promote crawling right now!
Skip Hop Explore & More Follow-Me Bee Crawl ToyFisher-Price Zoom ‘n Crawl Monster
VTech Wiggle and Crawl Ball
WolVol Musical Press and Crawl Baby Activity Toy
How do I know my baby is ready to learn to crawl
The best baby crawling toys are a fantastic way to help your baby learn to crawl but they must be showing signs of being ready for this stage! According to Baby Centre the majority of babies start to crawl when they are around 6 to 10 months old! Of course some totally miss this out and either bum shuffle or walk at an earlier age! My little boy has just turned 4 months so I am on the countdown until he starts crawling.
Signs that your baby is ready to learn to crawl:-
- Has excellent head support – a baby needs to be able to hold his head up when he is creeping along!
- Can roll over – he needs to have mastered how to roll over before he has the strength to get going on all fours! I think my daughter mastered this at 5 months. I am guessing my baby son will take longer,but hey I was wrong he done it at four months!
- Can sit upright – here again this needs excellent head support and use of gross motor skills. I am still waiting for my five month old son to do this.
Read my individual reviews of the best crawling toys for babies below.
Vtech Crawl Learn Ball – my favorite toy to help baby crawl
Best Baby Toys that promote crawling
The Vtech crawl learn ball was the first toy I bought to help Amelia learn to crawl.
VTech Move and Crawl Ball
As I was buying for my little girl I opted for the Vtech move crawl ball pink but the orange one would have been a better buy as I now have a baby boy who will need some baby toys that promote crawling too!
I loved this particular toy because it really grabbed Amelia’s attention straight away. Before encouraging her to chase the Vtech move crawl ball, we held it in front of her and pushed the animal buttons and let her hear the noises and music. I think getting a baby familiar with a toy means they are going to want it more! Of course they will always want what they cannot have so Mummy holding it for a while was a brilliant way to entice my little girl to chase after it and it worked!!
I really wish I had shot a video of Amelia crawling after the Vtech move crawl ball when it happened but you know how it is you never have your camera when you need it!
Vtech Crawl Learn Ball is one of Best Toys for a 6 Month Old
Fisher Price Laugh Learn Train – Push the horn and watch baby crawling after moving train
My little girl loves the Fisher Price Laugh Learn train. It was amongst her favorite toys before Beat Bo took over.
Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Puppy’s Smart Train
Amelia was fascinated by the Fisher Price musical train! She loved pushing the horn and watching the train move away from her. Initially she made no effort to try and catch the train but this was soon to change! As well as crawling after the train Amelia used to push it along. The animal figures doubled up as baby teethers.
Alongside the Vtech ball this was one of the best baby crawling toys that help baby crawl in my opinion.
It is important to mention that this Fisher Price musical train is much more than a crawl and push toy as it has top learning features which will captivate and stimulate your baby and toddler!
Some more best toys to help baby crawl below.
Minnie Mouse Learn to Crawl Toy
If your little girl loves Minnie mouse then you can use her toys that promote crawling. Minnie is a firm favorite with Amelia so I really wish I had treated her to this particular toy to help baby crawl! Now that I have a little boy I am going to treat him to one of the crawling cubs!
Minnie Mouse Musical Touch ‘n CrawlTiny Love Baby Toy, Follow Me Fiona
VTech Explore and Crawl Learning Cub
Fisher Price Zoom Crawl Monster is One of Best Toys To Encourage Crawling
Every year there are even more best toys to encourage crawling available. One of the latest toys to promote crawling is the Fisher Price Crawl Monster. I did not buy this one as I my little boy had started moving by the time this one hit the shops, however I have seen it in action. It looks like so much fun and appears to be a real hit!
Fisher-Price Zoom ‘n Crawl Monster
This encourages babies to get moving as it spits balls out and spins away!
Comes with 5 colourful balls and plays 15 tunes!
Aim is to get baby crawling after the monster or balls!
I love the concept of this one and it will really work if you have a baby who loves balls! Both mine did so I know this would have been one of the toys that promote crawling!
Best Crawling Toys Are So Much Fun
You do not want your baby to think of crawling as hard work so make it as fun as possible. By using toys and other sensory equipment i.e bright lights and mirrors your baby will want to crawl in no time! Fisher Price have some great toys out there to keep your little one crawling whenever they have started. I especially like the Crawl Around Car which is one of the fabulous baby learning toys as well as the crawl around learning center, both of which can be found directly below.
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Crawl Around CarFisher-Price Laugh & Learn Crawl-Around Learning Center
Now you have the toys get your baby’s body ready for crawling
While toys that promote crawling are an excellent way to encourage your baby to learn to crawl there are some other things you can do to help them get ready for this stage.
- They need to be comfortable in the crawling position – you can do this by giving them lots of tummy time on the floor! I assign 15 minutes daily for my 4 month old son, normally 20 or 30 minutes after he wakes from a short nap (I never do it when he is hungry). I want him to be happy on his tummy so that the best baby crawling toys will actually help him learn to crawl.
They will not start straight away! Now if you think these toys help babies crawl instantly you are wrong! It can take weeks and months before they get the confidence and coordination to get moving. Babies will crawl when they are ready but I know that these toys are a brilliant way to fast track them to do so!
The Minnie Mouse crawling toy is too cute! I would have loved that when I was a little kid.
Baby crawl toys are brilliant and definitely help little ones get moving