BEST Toys for 1 Year Old Girl 2022 -What to Buy a One Year Old for Christmas 2022
Hooray your little princess has reached her first Birthday milestone and it is time to buy toys for 1 year old girl. Of course these are also great Christmas gifts. Fortunately there is a never ending supply of 1 year old girl toys which will make awesome gifts at any time of the year.
These will reflect the stage the little girl has reached and help her build up on speech and language skills, as well as both fine motor and gross motor skills.
Anything featured will either be tested by me or one of my friends! I am lucky in the fact that my best friend has a 13 month old girl and so I get to see her playing with her toys! This gives me good insight into what the best toys for 1 year old girl are; that being the ones they actually play with as opposed to the ones they leave sitting in the corner!
I cannot wait until I get the chance to buy a Birthday gift for my 1 year old daughter!! There are so many to choose from! This list will feature some of the coolest out there right now in 2022.
Since it is less than a month to Santa comes I just had to feature my must have Christmas toys and gifts for 1 year old girls right at the top!! These are highly rated and best sellers for infant girls age 1.
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Magical Musical Mirror [Amazon Exclusive]BEST LEARNING Mushroom Garden – Interactive Educational
VTech Sort and Discovery Activity Cube (Frustration Free Packaging), Pink
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Learn with Sis Walker
Ancaixin Baby Balance Bikes Bicycle Children Walker 10 Month
Mega Bloks Build ‘N Learn Table (pink/purple)
VTech Pull and Sing Puppy
Labebe – Baby Rocking Horse, Pink Ride Unicorn
What toys to buy a 1 year old girl for Birthday 2022!
Being a Mum of a one year old I have compiled a wish list for my 1 year old daughter and it looks a little something like this! Yep I get to choose all her toys and it is such a fun job!! Hardly surprising that 4 of these gifts are Fisher Price toys. Keep reading for a further breakdown into categories below! Update at 18 months! She still loves Fisher Price Beat Bo Toy, in fact possibly a little more now that she is better on her feet!
Fisher-Price Dance & Move BeatBelleFisher-Price Brilliant Basics Stroll Along Walker
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Sis’ Smart Stages Purse
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair
Nuby Octopus Hoopla Bathtime Fun Toys, Purple
Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Trike, Pink
Find even more TOP BIRTHDAY GIFTS for 1 Year Old Girls!
Latest Toys for Girls Aged 1
Amelia has now turned 2 and I was surprised at the number of new toys for 1 year old girl since she was that age! Goodness I want to go and buy them all over again. The good news is that my baby Boy is almost 1 so I can treat him to some of them! I decided to feature the newest and latest toys for girls at the start. Here are some of my top picks!
Fisher Price Magical Fish Bowl – a cute electronic educational toy that appeals to babies from 9 months up until toddler age! Great for fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. Teaches numbers, colors and shapes! Lights and sounds are activated when 5 fish are dropped into the fish bowl.
Fisher Price Fruits and Fun Market- Great developmental toy that will grow with your baby/toddler.
Vtech Adventures Ark – This is probably the newest toy for 1 year old girl that I can find! I love the look of it and would love to get this for my two to play with.
Fisher Price Sort and Spill Turtle Stacker – cute stacking toy for toddlers! Bright colors and different textures make this one of my top sensory toys for babies
Fisher-Price Magical Lights FishbowlFisher-Price Fruits & Fun Learning Market
VTech Animal Adventures Ark With Animas
Fisher-Price Sort ‘n Spill Turtle
Fisher Price Toys 1 Year Olds are right up there with my top picks!
Every time I go to buy my little girl some new toys I cannot help treating her to something from the Fisher Price range! Heavens we could start a Fisher Price shop right now with the amount we have gathered up! They are all so freaking awesome, not to mention cute! When we moved house Amelia loved pottering about our new kitchen so I decided to treat her to one of the best toy kitchens for toddlers, made by Fisher Price. Her Daddy is a doctor so of course the next thing I treated her to was her first medical kit! That will teach her to keep away from Daddy’s doctor bag! She is obsessed with my handbag already so it made perfect sense to treat her to her own shopping tote!
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning KitchenFisher-Price Laugh & Learn Sing-a-Song Med Kit
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Sing n’ Learn Shopping Tote
What’re the best toys for 1 year old girl
If you are asking you can find some of my suggestions here!
LeapFrog Poppin’ Play Piano
The Leapfrog Poppin Play Piano is sure to be a hit if not one of the best. It is bright and colorful to catch her attention and plays awesome music too! Pressing a colored key makes the ball bounce up and down; press harder to move the ball further. I cannot wait to buy this for my little girl because she loves to make things move up and down!! The music that is played is an added bonus! This is a great developmental toy for 1 year old as it teaches 8 colors and numbers 1-8 when corresponding keys are pressed. Older kids can choose between 8 different musical instruments and use the piano like a regular keyboard. This will definitely make a great Birthday gift.
Musical Toys to get your one year olds groove on
If you really love musical toys for 1 year olds and already have the piano do not worry because there are lots more to make your baby giggle! I have to admit my little girl has loved music since she was 3 weeks old so I make sure most of her toys play either sounds or music! Recently I have bought her the Fisher Price Beat Bo toy which is totally awesome!! Did I mention that it is in Walmart’s list of hottest toys for Christmas?! It gets her bouncing up and down and is great for a group of toddlers to get them moving! I have heard music helps with language development and also helps baby to sleep better so what more could us Mums want!
Baby Einstein Take Along TunesVTech Rhyme and Discover BookFisher-Price Dance & Move BeatBo
Dolls for 1 Year Old
Baby girls love dolls from a very young age as I found out when I treated Amelia to her first baby doll by Fisher Price. In fact since then I have treated her to several. It is much easier than you think to find a cute soft baby doll suitable for girls of this age! I have spent time teaching Amelia how to hold her doll properly and how to wind it! She now tries to do this with her baby brother, one year olds are so intelligent! Since her baby Brother has arrived she wants to take her soft doll everywhere with her! It is her new favorite toy who gets to go to her cot every night.
Best Birthday Toys for 1 Year Old Girl
There is such a variety that you will never be stuck for choice; you may actually need a bigger house to hold them all!! If you want something different than musical playthings you can find some more best toys for 1 year old below. Choose from building blocks, ride on toys, push toys, electronic gadgets, educational toys and more!
Building Sets for Toddlers
One of the best fine motor skills activities for toddlers is playing with blocks! My little girl fell in love with her bricks when she was around 13 months old! She plays with them every single day now. I initially started off with the pack directly below and then I bought her the train also shown below. She can play independently with these but sometimes like other people to pull the blocks apart for her. Her fine motor skills and creativity have greatly improved since she first started playing with these. Now she is able to build a small tower all by herself!
Mega Bloks for Girls
Mega Bloks First Builders Big Building Bag, 80-Piece (Pink)
Mega Bloks for girls are the perfect first building blocks and toys for 1 year old girl. This set includes 80 pieces with the blocks being large enough for tiny hands. This is one of the best toys for 1 year old girls for several reasons. It can be taken on holidays or when you are out and about as the blocks can be stored in the bag that comes with the set.
I like this because it is great for fine motor skills as well as helping your child to use their imagination to build the blocks. Lastly it is a good opportunity for you to bond with your baby as you help them put the blocks together.
The good thing about these is that lots of toddlers can share them and play together, plus they can be used in combination with other building blocks! UPDATE she still loves these at 33 months so they are a fabulous investment!!
Even more building blocks to keep them amused!
Mega Bloks Building Bag, 150-PieceMega Bloks Wagon Building Set, Pink
Mega Bloks 1-2-3 Learning Train
Baby Girl Ride on Toys for 1 Year Old Girl
Your little one has found their feet so naturally they want to get moving fast and of course they can with one of the baby girl ride on toys. There are numerous ride on toys for 1 year old girl but these have got to be up there with the best.
Radio Flyer 4 1 Trike Bike
Radio Flyer 4-in-1 Trike, Pink
This gorgeous Radio Flyer 4 1 Trike Bike will be your little princesses pride and joy. Initially you can push her around but as she gets older she will be using the pedals to get around herself. There is a safety harness so that you know she will be secure while she is on her travels. Remember to lock the pedals at the start so that your little girl can use the pedals as footrests. This will be more comfortable for her.
This would make a fabulous Birthday gift for a 1 year old girl. Give me some pink and more pink!!
I love the fact that this is always available at a low low price online!
Even more ride toys for you to browse!
Little Tikes Rollin’ Giraffe Ride-onLittle Tikes Princess Cozy Coupe Ride-On
Little Tikes Rocking Horse Magenta
Push Toys are a necessity at this age
I watch my one year old push toys across the floor daily! In fact she will push anything she can along! It is a great way to help her build her gross motor skills as well as learn at the same time! I cannot believe how strong she is and how much she can push at one time! It will not be long before she is pushing me over. Her favorite toys are those that she can load up with teddies and other small toys. She will push them from one corner of the room to the other and load and unload them all day long! The Vtech sit stand walker pink is a learning centre on wheels for your little Princess! It is featured in the My Kid Needs That best 20 toys for 1 year old girls in 2017.
VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning WalkerVTech Sit-To-Stand Alphabet Train
Little Tikes Lil’ Shopper – Pink
Pull Along Toys for Toddlers are Great for Little Girls that can walk
As soon as Amelia could walk I decided she needed some pull along toys for toddlers. These are brilliant for both fine and gross motor skills as well as imaginative play. I bought her a small turtle but she really struggled to pull it around. I think this was because the string was too short. Fortunately Amelia’s granny bought her a pull along dog which she loves. My friend’s two little girls also have pull along dog toys which are educational in nature. The Fisher Price Lil Snoopy pull toy is Amelia’s all time favorite whereas my friend’s little girls love the Leapfrog dog. I also love the wooden option below.
Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Lil SnoopyLeapFrog AlphaPup Toy, Pink
Walk-A-Long Puppy Wooden Pull Toy
Educational Toys for 1 Year Old Girl
When I think of educational and developmental toys for 1 year old girls I simply think of things that can help them develop their speech and language. I believe more of the best ways is through books. I have been reading my little girl at least one book a day since she was 4 months old. Initially she liked to chew the book or try and grab it but now she looks at the pictures and words as well as my mouth when I am saying the words! Obviously I have to make sure I read her suitable books for 1 year old girl. It can be hard to pick books that are not too advanced but I believe the selections below should be on your little girl’s reading list.
Books are great toys for 1 Year Old Girl
Books for 1 year old girl are in my mind toys for 1 year old girl too! Books like toys are great fun and a fabulous way to bond with your little one!! My little girl loves lift the flap books as well as books that have different textures!
First 100 Words Board BookWhere Is Baby’s Belly Button? Lift-the-Flap
Animals (Baby Touch and Feel)
The Itsy Bitsy Snowman for toddlers
Electronic Gadgets for your little one are hot Christmas presents
Today’s world is an electronic world so a Vtech tablet for your one year old is one of the coolest girl toys.
VTech Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet, Pink
This is definately one of the toys for 1 year old girl you need to buy and I know because I have got my daughter a smaller version for a younger baby and she loves it!
My little girl watches me on my netbook and is constantly trying to push buttons and hold it. Needless to say I never get anything done while she is awake so I bought her a Vtech light up tablet so that I could get peace. The touchscreen element makes baby think they have a real tablet as they swipe between screens!
My friend always give her little girl hers to play with when she is doing the food shopping.
Babies/Toddlers and adults alike love their gadgets, the more the better! Amelia loves her Fisher Price laptop. Most of these are top learning toys for toddlers so I have bought my daughter several!
VTech Touch and Swipe Baby PhoneVTech Sort & Discover Activity Cube
VTech Baby’s Learning Laptop, Pink
Minnie Mouse Toys for 1 Year Old Girl
Minnie Mouse toys for 1 year old girl are hugely popular, in fact they are popular for girls of any age! I always make sure my little girl never leaves the house with her cuddly Minnie Mouse plush in tow. Naturally when she was turning one I was on the lookout for some more 1 year old girl toys featuring the Disney favorite.
I decided to go for a book featuring Minnie, a crawl toy and a push toy which are fabulous gifts.
Disneys Minnie Mouse Bow-tique, My First Learning Book Lights and Sound.Fisher-Price Disney Baby: Minnie Mouse Musical Touch ‘n Crawl
Disney’s Minnie Mouse Push and Go Racer Car
Christmas Toys for 1 Year Old Girls
Since we are approaching December I thought I would share some Christmas themed items that you might want to treat your little one too. As always you can find books, bath toys and playsets. I think it is a good idea to educate our children about different seasons as soon as possible!
Are these all the best toys for 1 year old girl? I could possibly add lots more but then I would inundate you with suggestions. If you want more advice on anything here or have any suggestions please feel free to comment! Also feel free to check out my best toddler toys and best baby toy reviews where I feature lots of our favorites!!
[…] Are you shopping for a Christmas or Birthday gift and wondering what are the best toys for 2 year old girls. Girls of this age are steady on their feet and looking for something a little more challenging than the baby walkers that they got as a first Birthday present. […]