Vtech Kids Drum Set – perfect starter set for wannabe drummers
Vtech Kids Drum Set is quite possibly one of the best toddler toys! Previously I bought my toddler girl a cheap drum set which did not stand up to her rigorous thumping so I was delighted to find a more sturdy option that can withstand hard play.
VTech KidiBeats Kids Drum Set
Your toddler will grow along with this toy which has four different modes; free style, letters, numbers and follow along. Initially I will let my little girl play in free style mode as follow along is a little advanced for a 2 year old.
Follow along mode features 3 different genres of music; rock, pop and dance and the lights on the drum guide wannabe drummers
I love the way the drum pads make different sounds and have different LED lights- this encourages my little girl to hit all of them
Here are a few more drum/bongo musical toys for 2 year olds with excellent reviews.
Tin Drum With Two Wooden DrumsticksRemo Rhythm Club Tom Drum
Toddler Piano Keyboard Hits all the Right Notes
My toddler has a small piano from the Fisher Price Kick Play Gym, however her baby brother plays with it most of the time so I need to get her another one.
Melissa & Doug Learn-To-Play PianoClick N’ Play Gigantic Keyboard Play Mat,
B. Meowsic cat shaped keyboard
Toy Guitars for Kids Aged 2 and Above
Unless drum sets toy guitars are much harder to play unless you find a good electronic one. My little girl watches the music channels on TV and always points at guitars so we thought we should get her a basic one. A 2 year old should not be let near a proper guitar as they will do their best to break the strings!
First Act BR285 Barbie Mini Guitar UkuleleNickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ukulele
VTech Zoo Jamz Guitar (Frustration Free Packaging)
Fisher Price Musical Toys for 2 Year Olds
Hands up if you love Fisher Price musical toys as much as Amelia does! Yep we have a great collection in our house! Our favorites include Fisher Price Beat Bo toy which is a fun interactive musical toy with colored lights!
Fisher-Price Bright BeatBoFisher-Price Classic Xylophone
Fisher-Price Songs & Sounds Camper
Vtech Musical Toys for 2 Year Olds
If musical instruments is not what you are looking for here are some more great musical toys for 2 year olds! Many of these are electronic toys which are hugely educational and fun for toddlers and pre-schoolers.
VTech Dance and Discover Jam BandVTech Touch and Teach Elephant Book
VTech Call and Chat Learning Phone
Leapfrog Musical Toys for 2 Year Olds
My top pick here, the one I own and therefore have tried and tested!! It is one of my favorite baby and toddler toys, the Leapfrog musical tea set.
LeapFrog Musical Rainbow Tea Set
I love Leapfrog toys and the Leapfrog Musical tea set is such a hit with my toddler daughter. It is a great role play toy as well as being musical at the same time! Unlike some of the musical toys for 2 year olds the sounds do not really bother me with this one. Besides I am hoping it means she will make me a decent cup of tea someday!
If you are still in hunt you can find some more suggestions below:-
These were some of my daughter’s favorites! She loved the meowsic keyboard!