Books for Babies 0 to 6 Months – My Personal Recommendations
Books for babies 0 to 6 months are a very important part of their early development and can get your baby/toddler’s speech and language off to a great start! I am a firm believer of introducing books into a babies life as early as possible. Initially I started off with cloth books for baby before moving onto baby touch feel books. Some people have told me they find it difficult to find the best books for infants, therefore I decided to compile a list of those I would recommend. I have personal experience reading some of these to my baby daughter, as well as my niece and nephew. Books make great gifts for babies no matter the occasion!
Cloth Books for Baby
A family friend bought some cloth books for baby Amelia as a gift when she was born. The book was the Lamaze Classic Discovery book! Here is Amelia playing with her cloth book! Personally these are the best books for infants of a young age. I am a lover of these books for babies 0 to 6 months because they are so soft and can be given to entertain little ones in various ways. You can chose to read the book to them making up a story to go with the pictures or you can let them play with it alone!
Lamaze Classic Discovery BookBuy from Amazon
Amelia started to show interest in her book at around the age of 3 months. I keep the book close to Amelia while I am out and about; it is permanently clipped on to her car seat, so easy storage (us new mums have enough stuff to carry). She loves the crinkling sound it makes and can literally play with it for hours. I always give it to her whenever I go into coffee shops so that I can get peace to drink my coffee and she will be flapping it about. When she is tired she puts the ring attached to the book into her mouth so it doubles up as a teether!!
Some more cloth books babies
Sleepy Bunny (Pat the Bunny Cloth Book)My First Taggies Book: Who Do You See?
Buy Lamaze Cloth Book Peek Boo Forest Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Book
Lamaze Cloth Book Peek Boo Forest is definately one of the best books for babies 0 to 6 months olds! I think it is currently the best seller!! I love it for the same reasons I love the Lamaze Discovery book!
Use the pictures and wording to tell your own story to your baby!
The bright colors will stimulate them and make them smile!
Get babies to exercise their fine motor skills by lifting the flaps and covering them again
Teach about animals and let them have fun crinkling the owl on the front page
Baby Touch Feel Books
Amelia has several baby touch feel books. My friend Lisa bought her a Christmas themed one and she loves it! It gets babies used to different textures as well as helping them to learn about different objects. Amelia loves to try and turn the pages of her books! She loves rubbing her hands over the pages. So far her favorite texture has been fur used on a picture of a bear. There are a range of these books for babies 0 to 6 months.
Noisy Farm (My First Touch and Feel Sound Book)Baby Touch Feel Book
Vtech Rhyme Discover Book
VTech Rhyme and Discover Book (Frustration Free Packaging)
I bought my niece Kimberley the Vtech Discover Rhyme book when she was a baby and she loved it!
It is definately one of the most loved books for babies 0 to 6 months!
Kimmy loved the nursery rhymes and lights even if we did have to listen to the same one over and over again
She loved turning the pages and putting them in her mouth too
When she got older she carried this everywhere with her
VTech Musical Rhymes Book – Pink – Online ExclusiveVTech Musical Rhymes Book
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